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Monday, May 6, 2013

Cultures Can Affect a Person’s Character

Customs are different between Japanese and Americans. Americans are more open minded and friendlier. For instance, if in America people make eye contact, they usually smile and say “Hi” even if the person is a stranger.  And this may lead to small talk. I often see this situation at Starbucks. However, most Japanese are shy and bashful. When I made eye-contact with a woman the first time, I was in the U.S. She gave me a big smile and tried talking to me. I thought she was hitting on me, but it was definitely not the case!
(Now, I understand…… I was ready to sink into the ground…)

It is basically a collective action. Japanese think that living alone and showing their emotion to someone is shameful.  Being a cooperative person in a Japanese society is considered important.  However, American people believe that exchanging opinions is more important than remaining silent. It is interesting that cultures can affect a person’s character.

So, I think Japanese and Americans use social media in different ways because of customs. 

How the “shy Japanese are Using Social Media.”


  1. I think that the differences in culture are so interesting! Thank you for another great insight!

  2. I really enjoy this blog because all to often we do not get to experience the differences between cultures like you have gotten to experience.

  3. I am really enjoying your blog and learning about the cultural differences between the United States and Japan!
