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Monday, April 22, 2013


Before coming to United State, I worked at restaurant business. My country, Japan, had a recession. When people had the recession, they would control their spending. I clearly realized that the customers had decreased sharply over the past few months. However, I did have enough skills to get a new job. I thought only studying accounting in my country was not satisfy to survive this severe world. Moreover, Japan is not good environment for studying as America. This was reason why I decided to study business accounting and English in US. 

When I came to America, I learned how to read and write English in ESL class. I was surprised by difference between Japanese and American writing taste. Japanese writing are organized by logical development such as occurring, evolution, and consequence. It is vague and difficult to understand. However, American writing uses completely different forms. It is quite understandable  what they want to say, because American writing usually tells their purposes at first, and each purposes are supported by what, why, where, when, who, and how. So, knowing both languages is my strengths. When I writ, my idea is shaped by my business experiences.

Also, my country uses tree different type of letters which are Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji.


This links explain how we use those differently. If you are interesting how to write your name with those types of letter, please let me know.


  1. Good Job Kengo,

    Keep writing and soon you will be great! I am going to try and write my name.

    マイ·ライフ (how is that?)

    ....okay I cheated. I used a traslator on google. I could not find the letter combination Vi or da.

  2. Hi Kengo -

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. It must have been such a challenge coming to the U.S. and not only having to adjust to American culture, but also having to learn another language. It was interesting how you described the different writing styles between the different cultures. Now you have writing skills in two languages. That's awesome!

  3. Very interesting about the different writing style!

    I woud be interested in learning how the United States is a better learning environment than Japan.

  4. Thanks Linda- Have you learnt any another language? To konw new culture is so fun! and to know American thought is very interesting! I love to communicate wiht other people such as now!! It is wonderful!

  5. Erin< thanks! comment me! I think that the U.S has much more freedome to sutudy. I mean you can study whenever you want. However, it is difficult to sutudy at the University or College if you are over 25 years old.... because of our culture which is sad...

  6. Ha ha ha! Faith, you are so funny!
    マイ.ライフ← it is "My life" ニヴィダ← I think this is your name in Japanese. (#^.^#) 
